N A R A N Č A S T O or O R A N G E
concentrates on problem of color orange's rare use in contemporary fashion design because of the connection with anti-fashion garments.
It's a result of studying symbolical meanings of things and objects found in western civilization and their purpose of stigma and signalising out-of-orderness. Unisex garments are proposed as a product of admonitory and unified individual.
O R A N G E is a final thesis collection by for MA program of Fashion design at Faculty of Textile Technology in Zagreb. It consists of 7 outfits and a theoretical part written in terms of fashion theory.
The thesis was mentored by mr. art. Jasminka Končić and realized in September of 2017, with a help of SofijaSilvia, Matej Vitasović, Kasja Borić, Leda Kajfeš, Andrea Pliško and Dora Tominić.
For the initial research that led to forming the patterns in the concept, visit nancara.